For whom the chaos calls
One common theme from both history and technology is a perpetual struggle between simplicity and complexity. Simplicity is about energy efficiency and reducing the chance of errors, all at the …
One common theme from both history and technology is a perpetual struggle between simplicity and complexity. Simplicity is about energy efficiency and reducing the chance of errors, all at the …
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. A time to develop, a time to deploy, a time to upgrade or migrate, and …
Ask not what your elephant can do for you, ask what you can do for your elephant. There is a famous Indian tale about a group of blind sages who …
As strange as it sounds, there is a link between James Cameron‘s 2009 “Avatar” and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Avatar was a marvel of American creativity and technology, and …
Back in the 1500s, Europe was a peculiar place to inhabit. Loyalty was still less to the nation-states, and more towards particular princes and nobles. God was a truly serious …