A File For All Seasons
Prior to Johannes Gutenberg, the information cycles of knowledge creation, propagation, and consumption worked via a tightly controlled trickle of manually crafted books. These cycles were slow and highly inefficient …
Prior to Johannes Gutenberg, the information cycles of knowledge creation, propagation, and consumption worked via a tightly controlled trickle of manually crafted books. These cycles were slow and highly inefficient …
They say the forest can be hidden by the trees, yet the devil is in the details, and in any case, he who increases knowledge, increases pain. Knowledge comes in …
In 1944, inspired by Rommel‘s book, George Patton embarked on his own French adventure. Hollywood responsibly supported the national war spirit in various ways. The WW2 defense effort was bolstered …
It’s a jungle out there, and it’s a jungle in here, too. Those who ignore it receive the Darwin Award one way or another. History is full of examples of …
One common theme from both history and technology is a perpetual struggle between simplicity and complexity. Simplicity is about energy efficiency and reducing the chance of errors, all at the …